Learning Output - Tue 10th March, 2020.

What learning outcomes did you focus on today? What did you learn?

Today I focused on my problem solving skill in Ruby by enrolling to Exercism.io. Exercism is an online, open-source, free coding platform that offers code practice and mentorship on 50 different programming languages. The Ruby track has around 100 TTD driven algorithms that varies in difficulty level. I hope to solve all the algorithms challenge on this track so as to gain more deeper understanding of TDD, Ruby syntax and learning the best way to solve complex problems.

What's something that surprised you today?

  • How very useful the TDD approach could be in solving complex problems.

  • Better understanding of the Ruby self keyword. The keyword self in Ruby enables you to access to the current object — the object that is receiving the current message. Using self inside an instance or class method refers to the same object the method is being called on.

What's something that frustrated you today?

Spending so much time to solve just one algorithm challenge can be frustrating. I hope to be better at solving complex problems, firstly by understanding the problem, breaking it into smaller problems, write test for each case, write a logic to solve the problem, refactor my logic to be more streamlined.

Image Thumbnail -Exercism.oi


11th March, 2020 Output


10th March, 2020 Output