10th March, 2020 Output

What learning outcomes did you focus on today? What did you learn?

I focused on making my code flexible to changes. This enabled me to separate the business logic from the presentation layer. 

I also learned that in testing the output, is not proper testing the string but the behaviour that leads to the output.

What's something that surprised you today?

How easy working with arrays can be in Ruby. For example, to get the total of the integers in an array: [1,3,4,5].sum gives you the answer. So you don’t have to loop. 

What's something that frustrated you today?

After extracting all the output into an output class to make my code flexible, the mock output class also demanded the same changes to reflect on it to enable my test pass.


Learning Output - Tue 10th March, 2020.


learning Outcome - Mon 9th March, 2020