My Iteraction With Claude

Today I had a conversation with the Rwandan sitting next to me on the bus. He's by name Claude. I started the discussion by asking him for a direction and the answer was followed up with a question of him trying to find out which country I came from. Claude studied Urban and environmental engineering in South Korea university and had a friend who is from Nigeria. He already knows some things about Nigeria like the traffic, the Muslim and Christians conflict, and the political imbalance. We discussed population density in Rwanda, the calmness of the citizens, and also the three major tribes in Nigeria. Claude is a low power distance person because he was open-minded and was ready to hear my own opinion about everything irrespective of the fact that he seems older than myself. Claude is also a cooperative person because he easily admits the areas that Rwanda needs to improve on. I also noticed that he's a being because most of his contributions centered on comfort and quality of life. However, I noticed I was expressive because I was using some imaginary example to make him understand how traffic is a big challenge in Lagos and how deceptive our leaders can be just to achieve their selfish interest. I also displayed the long-term by collecting his contact to enable me to keep in touch with him.


Interaction with someone new - Kenneth


How I Started Programming - Emmanuel