Learning Outcomes - 9th March

The past couple of days I have been focussing on mastering Testing Principles. I watched and appreciated a video series about testing by Kent Beck (Test Desiderata). It is by far the most important series I’ve watched this month so far. With such short videos that have a wealth of information concerning best practices with writing Automated tests as well as explaining pros and cons of certain approaches.

From the videos, I was able to learn a couple of methods for testing input and output of an application that test the behaviour and not the implementation, though they come at the expense of adding another parameter in the constructor of the class being tested.

I also learned about the law of Demeter(LoD) which is about trying to build components that are loosely coupled in order to make them easier to maintain and test. I still have some work to do in terms of applying this law in my projects.

I have also been looking into SOLID principles, and slowly understanding them and applying them in the projects I work on. This week, I’ll continue to focus on these principles in order to master them.


learning Outcome - Mon 9th March, 2020


Monday Mar-09-2020