Learning Outcomes - 12th March

What I focused on Learning the past Couple of Days

  1. Require vs require_relative

    Require and require_relative are used like an import in languages like python, java, etc.
    The difference between the 2 is that with require, the path that provided will most likely be in the ./lib directory since ruby defaults the $LOAD_PATH variable to that directory.
    With require_
    relative, the path provided is relative to the current directory.

  2. Array methods
    I also discovered some cool array methods that can come in handy to simplify the problems like uniq and first. Uniq strips all the duplicates in an array and returns a new array while first returns only the first element of the list.

  3. Hashes

    I looked into creation and accessing elements of hashes and nested hashes.To access a nested hash I found to ways of accessing it. One is the conventional way which is hash[x][y] where x is a nested Hash inside hash and y is a key in x.


Learning Outcome - Monday 16th March, 2020


Learning outcome - Thur 12th March, 2020