Learning Outcome - Wed 4th March, 2020.

Area of Focus.

After completing a working skeleton feature for my TIC TAC TOE CLI game with Ruby. Today I focused on fleshing out the human player feature of the game, as I continued to adopt the TDD approach to software development. The goal of this feature is to implement the classic game of tic-tac-toe as a command-line application. Two human players ought to be able to compete with each other via the command line.

What I learned.

  1. Ruby syntax, such as method definition, backlash notation, string interpolation, statements, class instantiation, etc.

  2. Test-driven development with Rspec. This is a testing tool written in Ruby and used to test it. It is the most frequently used testing library for Ruby in production applications, it is widely used to test Ruby on Rails apps using the TDD approach.


Nothing came as a surprise to me.


I would say Testing. Writing test cases to account for various outcomes of my implementation can sometimes be tedious for me, however, Iā€™m Currently studying necessary resources to help me quickly get up and running.

Reference - Thumbnail Image


Learning Outcomes - 4th March, 2020


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