Apprenticeship journey Day 10

Continued developing my tic-tac-toe game in ruby, I have made huge progress and will be finishing soon. For the learning outcomes, I am still focused on TDD Automated tests. I have made a big improvement in the way I understand TDD and its hands-on advantages. Today I am learning more about ruby syntax, I keep on mixing python syntax with ruby since they are a bit similar. Each time I implement something I find myself reading the documentation for many minutes than I had anticipated. I have reached a point where I can write a few concepts from the top of my head with consulting any resource. What has surprised me is that I also learned that you don’t need to give a function parenthesis if it isn’t taking in any arguments. The same goes for calling the function, at first I thought this is very wrong. The biggest frustration is to do with TDD, I am not 100% comfortable with it, I have to think harder before writing the test, putting the different pieces in my head of how the application is going to be designed. In some scenarios, it can take me a few hours to just figure out how the entire test and its specific assertion.


5th March, 2020 Output


4th March, 2020 Output